Caught in the Act! — Hearth, Inc.

Caught in the Act!

We finally feel that we can safely say winter is over, and while this is a relief to us all, perhaps no one is as relieved as those without homes.

At Hearth, our dedicated staff was on hand to ensure everyone was cared for even when public transportation issues and travel bans meant we had to come up with creative solutions. Often it meant employees worked double shifts and walked long distances to work to mitigate unexpected challenges. Hearth’s dedicated and responsible employees made sure every resident was safe, storm after storm.

Singling out any one person when there are so many who went above and beyond is difficult at best, but one shining example is Marie Monique Clerville, a Personal Care Homemaker, who was one of eight Hearth staff members who slept over in order to provide necessary coverage. Over the course of three days she worked three eight-hour shifts and one two-hour shift and spent two nights sleeping on an office floor at Olmsted Green. Her genuine caring and concern for the people who rely on her each day to stay well is what Hearth is all about.

Marie Monique and the other staff members who stayed over night onsite will receive our Caught in the Act! award in recognition of their commitment to our residents' well-being. The Caught in the Act! award celebrates staff members who go above and beyond the call of duty.