Closing complete on Hearth at Four Corners — Hearth, Inc.

Closing complete on Hearth at Four Corners

Boston, MA, (July 26, 2019) – Homelessness and those at risk of housing instability is increasing among adults age 50 and over.  According to Laila Bernstein, Adviser to the Mayor for the Initiative to End Chronic Homelessness at City of Boston, more than 4,000 adults in Boston over the age of 50 experienced homelessness in 2018.  This figure represents 38% of the homeless population in Boston. Hearth is committed to being part of the solution to not only ending elder homelessness in Boston but to also increasing the supply of affordable housing for older adults. 

Hearth, Inc. is pleased to announce the closing on the financing for a 54-unit permanent supportive housing project for low-income and homeless seniors called Hearth at Four Corners.  This desperately needed facility was announced exactly one year ago at a community presentation by Governor Charlie Baker on the project site.  The result of a community process led by the City of Boston’s Department of Neighborhood Development with the participation of several community groups and concerned individuals, this project directly addresses the serious shortage of affordable senior housing.  Hearth will begin construction immediately with the contractor D.F. Pray, and anticipate completion of construction and the beginning of lease up by late summer 2020.  Hearth is a national leader in the movement to end elder homelessness in America and currently has a portfolio of 188 units of permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless and at risk seniors in Greater Boston.

 The public is invited to attend a groundbreaking ceremony for Hearth at Fours on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at 16 Ronald Street Dorchester, MA. Governor Charlie Baker and Mayor Martin J. Walsh are confirmed to speak. A complete list of speakers will be announced shortly. 

Hearth’s mission is to end elder homelessness through a unique blend of prevention, placement, and housing programs all designed to help elders find and succeed in homes of their own.  All housing operated by Hearth provides a creative array of supportive services that assist residents to age with dignity regardless of their special medical, mental health, or social needs.  In 2018 Hearth Outreach and Housing programs provided comprehensive direct care, housing placement, and/or homeless prevention services to 555 older adults across all programs.  Of those 555 elders, 188 were newly housed through outreach homeless services, outreach prevention services and Hearth Housing. 

 If you would like to learn more about Hearth, please contact Dana Green, Chief Advancement Officer.  We invite you to schedule a tour of our residences, learn about volunteer opportunities, or donate to support our mission.

 Dana Green, Chief Advancement Officer

(617) 369-1555 Office
