Hearth's 25 Anniversary - 25 Years of Housing Seniors — Hearth, Inc.

Hearth's 25 Anniversary - 25 Years of Housing Seniors

hearth founders

Hearth began as the Committee to End Elder Homelessness in 1991 (although we didn't officially incorporate until 1994), organized by a group of experienced professional women committed to eliminating elder homelessness in Boston in five years.

As one of our founders, Anna Bissonnette, told the Boston Globe in an article from December of 1991, "We got tired of going to conferences and talking about the huge problem of frail elders who don't have places to live. We felt that it was time to do something about it."

Twenty-five years later the problem has not been solved, but Hearth has used that optimism and can-do attitude to bring the issue to light and to share what we have learned, helping over 2,000 seniors and creating 188 units of permanent, affordable supportive housing.

Hearth’s services go beyond ending a person’s “rooflessness” and recognizes the significant post-homelessness support that many people need.  Watch for more news about our 25th anniversary celebration so that you can celebrate with us.