Hello Again! — Hearth, Inc.

Hello Again!

You may have noticed we've been rather quiet since the start of the new year. Our silence is not because we've been buried under snow (although we were busy making sure our residents could get to and from medical appointments and day programs).

You haven't heard much from us because Jenny Hartwell, our Associate Director of Volunteers & Communication, has been out on maternity leave since December 16 - after feverishly working to organize as much of the holiday volunteer projects as possible! Hearth staff and volunteers pitched in as best they could, but they couldn't quite take care of all of Jenny's responsibilities while she was out.

Jenny returned on April 1st, and she's eager to begin tweeting and emailing once more. So much has happened while she's been gone! Hearth is happy to have her back in the office, and we want to thank Henry Oliver for sharing his mom with us. Jenny likes to recruit friends and family to support Hearth (her 88-year-old grandmother crocheted multiple afghans for the opening of Olmsted Green and her parents helped with the 2014 annual appeal mailing), so we look forward to seeing Henry at future Hearth events!